Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Come Let Us Adore him

Good Day Y'all - and good questions.  After Greg finished his painting for his wife he did work on one for the 2010 calendar that his publishing company will be putting out this fall.  Deadlines come real early for calendars.  Apparently Greg Olsen Art Publishing was waiting for an image to use for the month of December to this upcoming calendar so Greg worked on it during the special event and signing road show.

This is by far the best Santa I have ever seen in my life.  The theme is one that Greg wants to expound on in the future.  The working title is "Come Let Us Adore Him".  Santa, in his busy schedule, takes time to reverence the Christ Child from a candle lit nativity.  It is awesome.  I have seen the finished product and it is wonderful.  I am told that it will be published around fall time.  Enjoy this working sample until later. - Brushstroke

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